
Push and Praise

Sometimes we need to push and praise simultaneously. This is one way we ACTIVATE our faith. Faith means we push with our prayers all the way for the breakthrough. We praise in the middle of the pressing in, and then no matter what the outcome is…we keep praising.


Push and Praise. Start doing this is your everyday life, and you'll start to see your prayers and intimacy with the Lord come to life. Why? Because faith always pleases God. He actually likes it when you push, when you press in. He tells us to come boldly before the throne of grace. (Hebrews 4:16)


No more weak-willed prayers asking only once. Be persistent, believing that what you are pressing-in for matters to Him, and it honors Him. If it's in His Word, and it's how He teaches us to pray, and we know it's His will…there's nothing holding you back. Nothing. Press in for that request. Press in for that healing. Press in for that financial breakthrough. Press in for that acceptance letter. Press in for that new job or career.

I think we often miss out because of two reasons.


  • We don't get certainty about God’s will. We’re afraid to pray the wrong thing. But God’s will is not a mystery anymore. It’s revealed through Jesus in His Word. The Scriptures are full of descriptions of His will and ways. You can learn the ways of God, and know how He moves. His will is revealed through the actual life of Jesus and the pages of Scripture. Go find the clues. Go find the heart and principle behind it. It will make your prayers have exponential impact because you'll begin to pray in partnership with God.

  • We don't pray through. We quit before the finish line. I wonder how many outcomes we might exchange if we just had a faith that went all the way to the finish line. Pray through for the breakthrough.


Friend, I encourage you today to push. Push and praise all the way. Press in to God with your prayers. Press in to agreement with His will and Kingdom. Press in for the things that have not yet come to pass.


Did you know that the Holy Spirit is praying for you? This means your prayer life is actually a partnership-life. You are co-operating with the Holy Spirit when you pray. Press in.


You're not only pressing in TO the heart of God, you're pressing in WITH the heart of God.



And always: praise, praise praise. When you praise, you raise your expectation and perspective in Christ.

Praise gives you a raise.


So…get your worship on. Celebrate, thank, and sing of God's worth in your home, car, and spheres of influence.


Push and Praise. This is God's heart and way for you. And it will empower you to “live above the line.”



Rachel B.

PS - when you pray, you’re not up against a wall. You’re partnering with a God who can collapse walls with the sound of an obedient shout. (Remember Jericho?) #boom.

To Defend or Repent...

(Photo by Icons8 team on Unsplash)

(Photo by Icons8 team on Unsplash)

Repentance tends to get a bad rap. I think it is one of life's greatest gifts. This week I bit my husband's head off. His brain is mostly still attached, but I was mean. I was angry, short-tempered, and totally exhausted. It wasn't cool. It wasn't ok. It was sin. So I won't try to defend or justify it. Why do I still act like this? It makes no sense to me how I can be writing blogs and songs telling about my great love for Jesus and then…BOOM: Ugly Rachel shows up to poop on the party. #boo.


Rather than defend myself or my poor actions, I apologized to my husband. The next morning I repented before God and agreed with Him about my sinful behavior (not identity), and we were back online together. He made it all good. The "ugly" stuff is not really who I am. Not anymore. It was my old nature, the dead nature, trying to resurrect itself and be a nuisance! It was time to put that dead guy back into the coffin; and quick repentance does just that.


How often do we choose defense though instead of repentance? Eek.

God would rather we just repent

than defend our actions.


Defense puts up walls. Repentance tears them down.

Defense is self-protection. Repentance is self-disclosing.

Defense says "I have to be perfect." Repentance says, "I made a mistake."

Defense says, "You're hurting me. It's not safe." Repentance says, "I need surgery, and this will bring healing."


What if the real you was actually patient, kind, generous, and open to feedback? What if feedback was your greatest resource for growth? What if you could take a breath and respond, rather than overreact and blow up?


Life would get better.


Sometimes it's good to do a check in with yourself. If you're willing, here's a couple of brave questions to ask yourself:


  1. What kind of fruit am I bearing? (Would my family, friends, coworkers, or people I encounter, agree with me?)

  2. Is my fruit good? Does it reflect the fruit of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness…etc.?


If the fruit you are primarily characterized by is not the above, you're either in denial, deceived, disconnected from the Holy Spirit, or under the influence of a different spirit.


(Photo by Karly Gomez on Unsplash)

(Photo by Karly Gomez on Unsplash)

Head knowledge about the Word of God is not enough to bear fruit in your life. It must get into the deeper places of your heart and spirit-man. It's not about how much you know in your head, it's about the actual connection and relationship with God Himself; Heart to heart, Spirit to spirit. And the proof is in the fruit pudding. And the fruit pudding should taste good.


If you're feeling a specific conviction in your spirit as you read this -- GOOD! That means the Holy Spirit is talking to you and you are sensitive enough to hear His voice. Throw a party and listen!


If you're feeling condemned, ashamed, and like a loser…then you need to tell those voices to be quiet, because they are lying to you, and they are not from God. Any voice that shames, condemns, and belittles you is not from God. Period.


God always has specific areas of correction. His voice is always full of hope. He always has solutions to our problem areas. He always responds to repentance. God convicts and corrects, but never condemns the believer. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. Those are His words, so we can bank on them.


I'm still on a journey friend. I make mistakes and sin. But I hope you'll join me in becoming a quick repenter, a first responder. Sometimes everything in us wants to defend our remark, attitude, or action…but we both know it's just better to repent.


Joyfully, (and back to my true self)

Rachel B.

PS - Be like Denver the dog…a perfect picture of repentance. <wink> Enjoy this funny video.

5 Ways To Worship When You're Weary

It's not easy to keep going when you're tired. Fatigue zaps us of our strength. Weariness wears on your bones and your soul. How do you keep going when you're all out of "go?" What's the secret sauce to getting your spiritual fervor back?


Honestly, I don't know. It's probably different for everybody. You and God are the only ones who know exactly what you have gone through and what you're currently going through. Even the people going through difficulties with you don't fully understand because they aren't you. They don't have your perspective, history, etc. Your perception and experiences are unique to you.


But let me offer you five ways to worship when you are weary. These aren't fix-all solutions. You won't master them in five minutes. This isn't a secret sauce or magic snake oil. But they do work if you work them. Why? Because…


Worship is a weapon.

Worship does spiritual warfare.

Worship is a nuisance to the enemy...

Shame Off You

Hello friends! It's been a while! Instead of feeling guilt or shame for not keeping in touch and providing your weekly spiritual nuggets, I'm simply gonna say, "Shame Off Me." Ever need to say that to yourself? Check out the fun story behind my new song "Shame Off You", and don't forget to grab a copy of my new book, BOLD. See ya on the blog! Joyfully, Rachel B.

Real Good Hands

My dog Joey is pretty terrified of the vacuum cleaner. Most dogs are. He's fine until I get a little too close for comfort. Then he bolts out of the room. But here's an interesting fun fact.


If I put my hand on him, I can run the vacuum right up close to his paws and he won't bolt. He doesn't like it, but he doesn't run off. He trusts my hand...

Twelve is here! Available now.

Hello friend! The CD's have finally arrived. For now, they are only available in a physical format. (They aren't up on iTunes yet.) If you would like to hear some of the songs, head over to to listen. You can order your albums there or on my website. Either way, Jill & I will split the proceeds and use it towards ministry and furthering the good news.   //   Sorry to keep this so brief, but I am heading off to another ladies retreat in a few minutes. I pray your week is going well and that God continues to refresh you as you spend time with Him. On a quick aside, I think Jesus loves spiritual hunger. I think He shows up to those with expectant, wide-open hearts. If you want more of God, just tell Him. Ask Him. Show your hunger by creating space and quiet in your schedule to listen and tune in. Special things happen when we do this.   //   

2 Chron. 16:9 says,

"For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His." (NASB)

All His Benefits

As I've continued in my healing journey this month, the Lord brought an interesting memory to mind.


When I went to Azusa Pacific University, I was in two different choirs during my time there. I played piano and accompanied the 100-person ladies choir, Bel Canto. I also sang in the University Choir and Orchestra for a year. During both of those years, we sang a song called, "All His Benefits." Something about that song resonated so deeply in me, even back then. The lyrics are taken directly from Psalm 103.

Hope Already In Progress

A couple weeks ago I wrote about my conversation with God...the journey of healing He is taking me on. November seems to be the month He whispered to me a few years ago.But I need to come right out and say it. My hope is not in November. It's not in the healing. It's in the Healer. It's in Jesus. And there's a big difference.

A Prayer for a Clear Mind

 Dear God,

You are the Author of peace and clarity.

You bring all things into perfect order.

You align the stars and put Earth into orbit...