
Let Go and Make Room! (And LIVE Worship Tonight!)


PRE-BLOG NOTE: Hey, I’m going to be leading worship and doing some original songs on the Choose Conference Facebook page WEDNESDAY NIGHT, June 3rd, at 7:30pm Central Time. Join me if you’d like!


My parents took the plunge a couple weeks ago. They moved out of California where they had been living for over 35 years and moved to Nashville. (In the middle of a global pandemic, and now, mass riots. Wow.) Needless to say, it's been exciting and an interesting roller coaster with ups and downs. If you've ever done a big move like this you understand the perils of all the things that are out of your control. It's quite an undertaking, and frankly, it takes courage to let go.


Something struck me though as my mom began to shoot texts with pictures of the old house emptying out. It brought waves of emotion I wasn't expecting. I haven't lived in that house for over 15 years, but there's still a lot of memories there. As the texts and pictures came through, this truth hit me:

You have to let go of something old in order to take hold of something new.


 You can't take all the old furniture with you and have room for the new stuff. There's not enough room. Imagine your hands are full and you are desperately trying to grab onto something valuable that someone is trying to give to you. Every time you open your hands to receive, stuff falls out and you drop the very thing you're reaching for. For many of us, our hands are full. We long for something new, but we just can't part with the old.


Perhaps you're holding on to an old pattern, mindset, or broken way of doing things. Maybe you’re holding on to something you were taught that was not right or even righteous. (Sometimes we don’t realize those kinds of hand-me-downs.) God wants to do a new thing.


It's not that we don't honor what our pasts have provided for us. Certainly we don't have to toss everything and pretend like none of it matters. Much of our past, both failures and successes have shaped us. Our pasts tell the story of what we've done, where we've been, and how we've grown.


I wonder how many times we miss what God wants to do ahead of us because we're so attached to what's behind us.


If you want newness in your spirit and your relationship with God, you've got to create space; to dis-possess something in order to possess something new. Will you make room? Will you relinquish what's good for something better and new? Perhaps there's an even greater blessing if you'll prepare your heart by letting Him clear out what isn't good for you.


Imagine spiritual breathing room. New furniture. New smells. New paths to walk. New power tools. New ingredients in your kitchen or recipes. What is true in the physical often has a spiritual parallel.


I bet the Lord wants to do something new in and through you today too. I wonder if Covid and chaos might even be the tipping point to launch you into a new direction.

You can cling to what you know and understand, or you can take the plunge, trust, and clear out what doesn't empower you anymore. The choice is up to you.


I hope you'll take a few minutes to inventory what God might be challenging you to let go of. Hop in the van. God has places He wants to take you that you've never experienced before.


The adventure awaits.



Rachel B.

Do you need a song of rest in this busy season? Me too.

Friends, I can't even begin to tell you how exhausted I am. I don't think I realized how depleted I was getting with all the travel, speaking engagements, book writing, Twelve-Record finishing, and then 10 days of pokes, prods, MRI's and other body-taxing tests at the Mayo clinic in November. 

Exhausted is an understatement.

I could feel it coming on. It was like a train wreck in slow motion. And Depression was a tiger in the corner just waiting to pounce. I knew I needed to slow down, but my schedule was filled, and I'm a person who keeps commitments. So onward I pushed. Caffeinating. Sugar-ing. Chocolate-ing. Pain-medicating...with good cause, really. But my body has been suffering. Ever been here? Click to read on...

Shame Off You

Hello friends! It's been a while! Instead of feeling guilt or shame for not keeping in touch and providing your weekly spiritual nuggets, I'm simply gonna say, "Shame Off Me." Ever need to say that to yourself? Check out the fun story behind my new song "Shame Off You", and don't forget to grab a copy of my new book, BOLD. See ya on the blog! Joyfully, Rachel B.

A Prayer for the Heart in Waiting

Dear Papa,

You are the God who listens and answers.

You won't fail to come through.

You are in the delays.

You are in the waiting.

You are with me in the inbetween.

Your timing is always merciful...

Truth Ruts: Because Living a Lie Will Never Set You Free

Okay all you secret bowlers out there. You know who you are. You have your own ugly shoes, custom ball, and you don't tell anybody you like to bowl. Haha! I actually love bowling, though I don't go to the bowling alley very often. But every bowling alley I've ever been to has one thing in common: 




Especially for the right-handed bowlers, those lanes get ruts. Why? Because of chronic use. The real question is...are those ruts helpful? Or do they steer your ball the wrong direction?


When we do something habitually, or hear something over and over, it creates a rut. But not all ruts are right. Sometimes they prevent us from success. Just like ruts, I believe lies operate the same way. When we hear, entertain, agree with, or listen to a lie long enough, we eventually fall into the rut of believing it. This, in turn, steers our actions and ultimate direction in life.


If you listen to a lie long enough, you'll eventually live it out. But living a lie won't set you free.

Click to


PLUS: Let Yourself Be Loved Shirts on Sale for $8 this week only!

A Prayer for the Hyper-Vigilant

Today, as I was spending time with the Holy Spirit, He revealed to me that I have agreed with the lie of perfectionism and the resulting hyper-vigilance. I don't know if you've ever felt like you always need to compete, be perfect, or constantly be looking over your shoulder. But this is a prayer for those of us who struggle in this area. It's time to break off those agreements with lies, and believe the truth about how God sees us. Enjoy!   //  

Dear Papa,

Somewhere along the line I learned to take care of myself.

I felt the need to always be looking over my shoulder.

I began to put the magnifying glass on my own mistakes,

rather than on Your perfection.

Please forgive to see the rest of the prayer.

5 Keys to Squelch the Devil and Promote Kingdom Authority

We don't have normal locks on the doors to our house. We have those digital locks with a keypad. It doesn't require a key. It requires a code. We like this because when our hands are full of groceries we don't have to dig inside our pocket or purse to find a key. We simply punch in the code and gain access to unlock the door. //  There's a similar parallel to the spiritual realm. Matthew 28:8 says, "And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, 'All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.'" If all authority belongs to Jesus, then how is it that the devil has any authority at all on earth? How does he gain access and authority in our life? //  In short: We give him the access code. Click to read more.

An Addendum and Clarification on "I See Dead People" Post

About a month ago I posted a somewhat controversial blog about healing, God's will, and the Sovereignty of God. It was entitled, "I See Dead Church."  Rather than breeze over that controversy, I feel it might be better to add some clarification. I think I may have unintentionally put a burden of shame on some of you, and I'd love the opportunity to take that weight off. That was not my intention at all. I have included a powerful video by Ravi Zacharias at the end of the post. When you can carve out 15 minutes, I encourage you to watch it. It's very moving and helpful for this topic. Click the link to see the post!  //  Joyfully, Rachel B.

A Prayer For The Anxious Heart

Unravel my thoughts.

Untangle my fears.

Untrouble my heart.

I take my thoughts captive

And lead them into Your presence.

They become prisoners of truth.

No more spinning.

No more deception.

No more false accusations.

I choose to think on what is true, noble, right and good...

(To see the rest of the prayer, click on the link.)

A Prayer for the Right Pace


You always have the right tempo.

You are the grand Orchestrator of Life.

Come. Be the Conductor of my spirit.

Set my pace for peace...