
Truth Ruts: Because Living a Lie Will Never Set You Free

Okay all you secret bowlers out there. You know who you are. You have your own ugly shoes, custom ball, and you don't tell anybody you like to bowl. Haha! I actually love bowling, though I don't go to the bowling alley very often. But every bowling alley I've ever been to has one thing in common: 




Especially for the right-handed bowlers, those lanes get ruts. Why? Because of chronic use. The real question is...are those ruts helpful? Or do they steer your ball the wrong direction?


When we do something habitually, or hear something over and over, it creates a rut. But not all ruts are right. Sometimes they prevent us from success. Just like ruts, I believe lies operate the same way. When we hear, entertain, agree with, or listen to a lie long enough, we eventually fall into the rut of believing it. This, in turn, steers our actions and ultimate direction in life.


If you listen to a lie long enough, you'll eventually live it out. But living a lie won't set you free.

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