John Maxwell

A Prayer for the Striving Heart

I commit to walk in Your Word and Your ways.

Come set the pace. Come make me brave.

With peace in my right hand, and trust in my left,

I let go of striving, and enter Your rest.

Hope Already In Progress

A couple weeks ago I wrote about my conversation with God...the journey of healing He is taking me on. November seems to be the month He whispered to me a few years ago.But I need to come right out and say it. My hope is not in November. It's not in the healing. It's in the Healer. It's in Jesus. And there's a big difference.

A Prayer for a Clear Mind

 Dear God,

You are the Author of peace and clarity.

You bring all things into perfect order.

You align the stars and put Earth into orbit...

Uphill Hopes

I attended the Global Leadership Summit a couple weeks ago. One of my favorite speakers and thought leaders is John Maxwell. He said this,


"Everything worthwhile is uphill. Most people have uphill hopes, but downhill habits."


Dang. So true.


In recent years God has been leading me toward book writing. I've always been the 3.5 minute song girl. But books? That's a whole different deal. I wrote a devotional book a couple years ago. It was a stretch. It was an uphill dream I never had. I argued with God at first. I was determined to let him know I don't write books. He was obviously misinformed...