Spiritual Nuggets

5 Keys to Squelch the Devil and Promote Kingdom Authority

We don't have normal locks on the doors to our house. We have those digital locks with a keypad. It doesn't require a key. It requires a code. We like this because when our hands are full of groceries we don't have to dig inside our pocket or purse to find a key. We simply punch in the code and gain access to unlock the door. //  There's a similar parallel to the spiritual realm. Matthew 28:8 says, "And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, 'All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.'" If all authority belongs to Jesus, then how is it that the devil has any authority at all on earth? How does he gain access and authority in our life? //  In short: We give him the access code. Click to read more.

An Addendum and Clarification on "I See Dead People" Post

About a month ago I posted a somewhat controversial blog about healing, God's will, and the Sovereignty of God. It was entitled, "I See Dead People...in Church."  Rather than breeze over that controversy, I feel it might be better to add some clarification. I think I may have unintentionally put a burden of shame on some of you, and I'd love the opportunity to take that weight off. That was not my intention at all. I have included a powerful video by Ravi Zacharias at the end of the post. When you can carve out 15 minutes, I encourage you to watch it. It's very moving and helpful for this topic. Click the link to see the post!  //  Joyfully, Rachel B.

A Prayer For The Anxious Heart

Unravel my thoughts.

Untangle my fears.

Untrouble my heart.

I take my thoughts captive

And lead them into Your presence.

They become prisoners of truth.

No more spinning.

No more deception.

No more false accusations.

I choose to think on what is true, noble, right and good...

(To see the rest of the prayer, click on the link.)

My Conversation with God about Donuts

I just had one of the most insightful and meaningful (to me) conversations with God. You guys, He is so practical. I can't even tell you. I was talking to Him about my binge on Krispy Kreme donuts last night. And He didn't condemn me. He actually told me why I did it. I had worked super hard the day before, didn't get sleep, and had an important meeting in the morning. I was utterly exhausted. He told me I needed a reward and release from the stress of that work. That good work. God work. And so...in  a moment of needing rest & reward I drove to get donuts. 4 to be exact. I ate 4 donuts. Holy cow. And then drove straight to church on a Tuesday night to go worship Him in a sugar coma. Lol. But wait. There's more. Click on the link to read the rest of the story!

A Prayer for the Right Pace


You always have the right tempo.

You are the grand Orchestrator of Life.

Come. Be the Conductor of my spirit.

Set my pace for peace...

Real Good Hands

My dog Joey is pretty terrified of the vacuum cleaner. Most dogs are. He's fine until I get a little too close for comfort. Then he bolts out of the room. But here's an interesting fun fact.


If I put my hand on him, I can run the vacuum right up close to his paws and he won't bolt. He doesn't like it, but he doesn't run off. He trusts my hand...

A Prayer for Breakthrough

Dear Jesus,

You are the Breaker that goes up before me.

You are at the head, leading the way.

You open a door for me that no one can close.

No matter what strength I have,

You keep Your Word, and fulfill Your promises.

You make waters in the wilderness,

And streams in the wasteland.

You trample upon serpents

and shut the mouths of lions...

What Was Paul's Thorn? Why Does It Matter?

Let's investigate this topic of the "thorn in the flesh." It's a big issue when it comes to healing. If we believe the thorn means disease, sickness, or infirmity, it's pretty hard to pray confidently for healing. After all, how would we know if God wants to heal, or if He wants to teach us a lesson and keep us humble? Can God even be good if He is purposefully willing sickness on us? Good questions. Let's dive in.

A Prayer For Resilience

Dear Papa,

I praise You for Your strength, grit, and tenacity.

You never lose. You never give up.

Make my spirit buoyant, like a lighthouse on the water.

Make me Lion-hearted, stubborn with fearless obedience...



Rescue Tour Recap

Today, I'd love to share 3 highlights from my Rescue Mission Tour. I had 16 events in June and traveled through Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma. What an incredible time. Check it out and see some photos too...