december prayer month

31 Days of Prayer in December

I decided to make a simple prayer guide for us through the month of December. 31 days. Specific people to pray for each day. Before I dive in, let me give you three pointers for prayer.


1.  Put yourself in these situations and ask: What would I want someone to pray for if I was in this situation? Then pray that.


2. If you think of any verses or Scriptures specific to these situations; if any verses come to your mind as you are praying, put your finger on that verse while you pray and boldly proclaim that promise of God in prayer.


3. Pray in a command form. Like this: "Lord, give us this day our daily bread!" That's how Jesus taught us to pray. Not like this:  "Lord, if it's okay with you, would you please think about maybe providing for us?" Pray boldly. Intercede. Press in for each of these daily needs. Tell God exactly what you need and what you want in each of these scenarios. This is how He teaches us to pray.


Okay. Are you ready? Feel free to print this out and post it somewhere to remind you each day.